Chant YUMMM Vegtastic Vegan Mantra

What is Chant Yummm Mantra?

YUMMM Mantra is a sound, a lyric and an attitude of vegan gratitude. YUMMM is a prayer of appreciation for the effects of Heavenly Eating and Positive Earth Actions (PEAs) i.e. "Saving Earth-Animals-People One Food Bite and One Chanted Byte at a Time"

Use your FREE Mantra License during or between meals; as a ritual or art-form; solo or in good company; accapella or with instrumentation. Chant for a moment or an afternoon; reverently or just for fun. You’ve been a Good Person so go ahead and try it today with absolutely no obligation. You’ll be glad you did. BTW, act now and receive a Special Unlimited Warranty from Mascot ERTHY of EarthSaveD (personal or planetary versions available).

How the Mantra works: YHHHH plus MMMM. Repeat. Yahhh - idea of holistic-humane-healthy food appreciation + MMMM - taste's good.

~a free global project

Chant YUMMM at the table or kitchen sink
For Compassionate - Sustainable - Healthy food & drink.
At the Potluck as you savour flavorful Heavenly Cuisine,
When you drool over pictures in TryVegan - GoVegan Magazine.
Wherever you sow, whenever you sprout,
When you get the “fresh” in or the GMO’s out.
Chant YUMMM for our good cause or just…
Because vegan food is soooo good and you must.

Listening - Sample1

Listening - Sample2

Lyric! by VeganMan | Semi-lyrical Drones, Music & Rhythms by You | Body intonations, Vocal innovations & Instinctive recitations by YUMMChanters everywhere

YUMMMantra replaces OM or AUM with another universal sound most appropriate to ethical veganism & EarthSave's Healthy Vegan Lifestyle, therefore it is vegtastic! It's been called "the perfect meal accompaniment with zero calories and gluten-free!" ~a Scalable, Universal Project

Intone YUMMM Mantra's dual-syllables (YHHHH + HMMMM) to harmonize Heaven & Earth Frrequencies with your Heartbeat. ~Wiser Adviser

Where's the boundary between 'Chanter' and ‘Mantra’? ~Prof. Veghead

Are repetitive Two Syllable Lyrics boring... or quintessential? ~VeganMan

Join The Project: Record your 30-120 second YUMMMantra

  • chanted acapella or with music, solo or group
  • drone it, swing, pop...
  • any melody, cadence, style or genre - it's universal
INstructions / Details
  1. Format as MP3 - thank you very much.
  2. Your vegtastic sound-art will add to our global project under a Standard YouTube License. EarthSave/ will curate using your identifiers (CREATOR NAME(s), TITLE, DESCRIPTION, EMAIL/TEL#) or... specify ANONYMOUS.
  3. Chant YUMMMantra while consuming non-violent, sustainable, nutritious vegan food, digesting it or just feeling good about a food-chain that puts sunlight, water, seed and soil onto your plate. Honor the 'Power of the Fork' 'Spoon Revolution' 'China Study' or 'Eons of Permaculture' 'Food as Medicine' 'Save the Earth One Bite at a Time!' "May All Be Fed."
  4. Your Vegtastic Chant YUMMM license is useful anytime, anywhere and forever-free from VeganMan and You can practice or perform YummmChant 24/7 x365x100 and never repeat the same IF you set a long enough duration.
  5. Many innovative, creative RECORDINGS are needed for our 101 Great YUMMM Chants Collection. We’re one or more spaces for your: Solo, Groupie, Orchestral, Mixed Media…. variations of YummmChant are unlimited!

Let your fork become a YUMMMantra tuning-fork ~team EarthSave

Upload your vegtastic creation

Listening - Sample1


◊YUMMMantra replaces OM or AUM with another universal sound most appropriate to ethical veganism & EarthSave's Healthy Vegan Lifestyle, therefore it is vegtastic!  It's been called "the perfect meal accompaniment with zero calories and gluten-free!"

◊Lyric! by VeganMan | Semi-lyrical Drones, Music & Rhythms by You | Body intonations, Vocal innovations & Instinctive recitations by YUMMChanters everywhere

Are one word lyrics quintessential or boring, duh? ~VeganMan

Can the mono-syllable phoneme of YUMMMantra harmonize with the core of our Mylky Way (ie veganized Milky Way galaxy) just as eternity is seen in a moment - universe manifest in a grain of sand - Sun’s wavelength voiced as OM? ~Wiser Adviser

I observe similarities between ‘mantra’ and ‘chanter’ ~Prof. Veghead

The Project:   Record your 30-120 second YUMMMantra

♥ chanted acapella or with music, solo or group

♥ drone it, swing,  pop...

♥any melody, cadence, style or genre - it's universal

◊Format as MP3 - thank you very much.   ◊Your vegtastic sound-art will add to our global project under a Standard YouTube License.  EarthSave/ will curate using your identifiers (CREATOR NAME(s), TITLE, DESCRIPTION, EMAIL/TEL#)

or... specify ANONYMOUS.

◊Chant YUMMMantra while consuming non-violent, sustainable, nutritious vegan food, digesting it or just feeling good about a food-chain that puts sunlight, water, seed and soil onto your plate.  Honor the 'Power of the Fork' 'Spoon Revolution' 'China Study' or 'Eons of Permaculture' 'Food as Medicine' 'Save the Earth One Bite at a Time!' "May All Be Fed."

◊ "Let your fork become a YUMMMantra tuning-fork" ~team EarthSave

◊Your Vegtastic Chant YUMMM license is useful anytime, anywhere and forever-free from VeganMan and  You can practice or perform YummmChant 24/7 x365x100 and never repeat the same IF you set a long enough duration.

Sample Chant: 3 voices

◊Many innovative, creative RECORDINGS are needed for our 101 Great YUMMM Chants Collection.  We’re one or more spaces for your:  Solo, Groupie, Orchestral, Mixed Media…. variations of YummmChant are unlimited!

Recordings of Vegtastic  YUMMMChants are welcomed at The library will be accessible 24/7.  With the help of  TeamEARTHSAVE musicologists we'll build and maintain the chants' archive.

Upload your vegtastic creaion here>