Reading Time: < 1 minute Zapier
Reading Time: < 1 minute Zapier
Reading Time: 3 minutes EarthSavePOD, Hostess Estela and VeganMan of TeamEarthSave Present… FairShare Potluck at Fellowship Hall – Coral Gables Since 1996, 20,000 fed at 400 delicious-nutritious-informative community foodie events. EarthSave Food Lab staples plus your FairShares equal “a healthy vegan feast.” FREE ADMISSION if you bring FairShare Healthy Vegan Food and Plate-Mug-Utensils. ●LiveFood Demo “Organic Kimchi” by Laura Sutton- […]
Reading Time: < 1 minute Johnny ApplePOD here, challenging all PODdites to pick up my Green Gauntlet and start/assist/aid/abet many new POD formations by 1.1.19 Are you convinced that PlantPure Communities’ PODs can help people everywhere with WFPB? Unofficial Contest: The victor will be at cause for the most new PODs! Simple as that. Although Grand Prize may not specified, […]
Reading Time: 2 minutes Brother Charles, EarthSave Ambassador, Kenya Eden Food Ministry educates the church congregation about becoming vegetarians. Deacon Brother Daniel found many people struggling with diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure, associated with poor eating habits. Three congregants had fatal diabetes. He observed God’s plant-based diet for Adam and Eve in The Garden of Eden, Book of […]