Global Warming – How Bad?

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Reading Time: < 1 minute Here’s EarthSave’s basis for promoting our green-sustainable HealthyVeganLifestyle “…by 2020, ⅔ of the world’s wild animals (vertebrates specifically) will be gone. 347 Native Bee Species…climate change will disrupt more than half of the world’s ocean habitat in the next 15 years, and 86 percent by 2050… Ocean de-oxygenation may be widespread …

Mision123 VIDEO (Hispanic Hub)

Posted on Posted in Espanol d'Veg

Reading Time: 3 minutes Does EarthSave’s MISION-1-2-3-Vegtastica get your attention? 1. Promulgar una dieta verde, saludable, vegana, y compasiva.
2. Educar acerca del impacto global que produce nuestra seleccion de comida. 3. Apoyar estilos de vida, valores, y cambios eticos.
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