Advocating Together
Reading Time: < 1 minute What else does your Florida vegan advocacy org do?
Reading Time: < 1 minute What else does your Florida vegan advocacy org do?
Reading Time: < 1 minute The dates are authentic, containing the usual awkwardness and tension of a new romantic relationship, but guided also by a very witty and well-intentioned author. It gives plenty of validation to the trials and tribulations that all vegans experience in a decidedly non-vegan world… Reviewer, Linda Bower
Reading Time: < 1 minute Vegtastic worldwide collective art project raises funds for vegan NPO’s while opening minds and hearts to animals and the global benefits of veganism.
Reading Time: < 1 minute The Great Vegan Cookie Challenge plus premiere screening of “Vegan Everyday Stories” ( with co-star 8 year-old Genesis Butler supported Susan Hargreave’s book project. EarthSave-sponsored.
Vegan Movie at AnimalHeroKids fundraiser
EarthSavers helped raise money to disseminate Susan’s book “Animal Hero Kids – Voices for the Voiceless.”