Gardens over Lawns
Reading Time: < 1 minute Replacing turf with food-producing gardens makes all the sense in the world
Reading Time: < 1 minute Replacing turf with food-producing gardens makes all the sense in the world
Reading Time: < 1 minute Share the perspective of solo-traveling Blogger Temetra Parker. She choose to live a vegan/plant-based lifestyle because “I’m an animal lover and it’s a healthier way of living…” She blogs for all my fellow female solo travelers and for my future female solo travelers who are looking for the inspiration to travel on their own. I take much pride in being able to travel solo because I love knowing I’m strong and capable of adventure and the unknown awaits…
Reading Time: < 1 minute eDIGEST (formerly eBLAST) welcomes you, your comments and contributions to our new format!
Reading Time: < 1 minute EarthSave Baltimore’s Annual Vegan Soulfest, August 20th, featured keynote speakers David “The 300 Pound Vegan” Carder (Pro Football player and vegan educator) and Milton R. Mills, MD, renowned expert on “The Comparative Anatomy of Eating.”