Theme Song: Haitian Grace is the theme song of Help-Haiti Mission123, TeamHAITI and R-Select Band; also the planned documentary film of the same title. Lyrics by Jeff ‘VeganMan’ Tucker with Ken Durrum are set to the gospel tune Amazing Grace. Performed in the key of H (Hope.) Copyright: VeganMan Enterprises, Miami 2022. Prelude: Many score and […]
an ethical-sustainable-socially-responsible community; modeled on EarthsaveD; employs proprietary Design Document by visionary Phoenix Isis and J. VeganMan Tucker in 2007; a VeganVille vInstitution. >
vPedia database of Healthie Lifestyle Choices compile by peers of Healthy Haiti Club starting 2024.
TLOG is the shiniest tool in a Healthie’s Toolbox Dr. Healthie Healthie Me Transformation Log ‘TLOG’ Q: What is a TLOG? A: A combination manual and diary that guides your Healthie Journey and maximizes your Healthie Benefits Q: Where do I get my personal TLOG? A: Build it yourself from a hard-copy or digital Template. […]