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Make Haiti Healthy ‘MHH’

Make Haiti Healthy ‘MHH’ is a humanitarian initiative of Help-Haiti Mission123, based on the American MAHA Mandate with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. MHH is designed to improve the longevity of domestic Haitians, which is lowest in the Western Hemisphere.  MHH seeks to install regenerative farming models and lifestyle practices in the island nation that produce […]

Meat Lust Psychosis #MeatLustPsychosis

Meat Lust Psychosis #MeatLustPsychosis is a neologism by VeganMan describing the mental illness associated with addiction to animal-based foods such as meat, fish and dairy. The term Meat Lust refers to the human craving for animal flesh, considered taboo in the biblical Garden of Eden. In the time of Noah, Meat Lust Psychosis resulted in […]

MLK vLegacy

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. did not advocate a strict vegan diet, but MLK vLegacy teaches that Ahimsa, #BlackDietsMatter and #BlackLandsMatter are inalienable human precepts. Five decades after his assassination, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s influence on global, grassroots veganism is evident as Coretta and son, Dexter inspired and boosted the ethical and […]

Monetary-7 Campaign

Monetary-7 Campaign Goals: $3 – $10,000 Donor Projects- help-haiti.co/NOW $600,000 conference production and 300 delegate subsidies- SEDA-1 ‘Clean and Green Haiti 2030’ Conference in Miami – Date Pending $2.5M salaries, prepare sites, collection vehicles, front loaders, dump trucks, garbage pails, recycling centers- Trash and Recycling Collections $3.0M build-out 4-story headquarters and 40+ Public Service Modules- […]