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SADville Pandemic #SADvillePandemic

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SADville Pandemic is a neologism by VeganMan to describe damages on a planetary scale and their associated mental illness, Meat Lust Psychosis.

Animal Agriculture and Ecocide (aka Terrible Twins aka Terra-ble Twins aka Terra Bullies) emerged in post-Ice Age herder societies as Earth’s proto-SADville Pandemic (SAD is an acronym for S-tandard A-merican D-iet.) Over the past 10,000 years they gradually exploited Mother Nature, dominated the animal kingdom and infected Earth’s Circles of Life. As Millenium-3 dawns, the full-fledged SADville Pandemic is 100x times worse than COVID.  Ecocidal industries employ trillions of dollars and millions of square miles of land to cause or exacerbate these terra-ble symptoms:

SYMPTOMS: aquifer and soil depletion | biodiversity loss | catastrophic climate change | chemical pollution | chronic disease epidemics | deforestation | desertification | droughts, floods and wildfires | economic exploitation of nature | food insecurity | fossil fuel addiction| freshwater shortages | global dimming and warming | global scorching | GMO’s | habitat loss | greenhouse gas emissions | industrial food production | intensive animal ag | invasive species | mass extinctions and migrations | mono-cropping | ocean acidification and dead zones | ozone-layer damages | pollinator die-offs | preventable disease epidemics | radiation | resource depletion and wars | sea level rise | social unrest | soil degradation and erosion | weather-related catastrophes …SAD acronym for Standard American Diet.  The pernicious, persistent, pervasive global pandemic caused by 10,000 years of abusive Animal Agriculture.

ANTIDOTE: VeganVille Mission123 Vegtastic Positive Earth Actions (PEAS R’ US)