Try Vegan Tamarac POSTPONED to September 27
Tamarac Community Center - Paradise Ballroom 8601 W. Commercial Blvd., Tamarac, FL, USAgenda, Fundraiser & Fun-raiser: 5:00-6pm Early Birds Hour with Bonus White Ticket / Appetizers, Buffet / Sprout Me / T-Shirt Workshop / Juice Bar BYO by Ellen 6:30 Presentation by Debra Tendrich Whats the need and how to plant the seed / First Buffet ends 6:45 Second Serving for Late Comers and Second Portions 7:00 Dessert 7:15 Kitchen Closed / Roast-or-Toast VeganMan by Emcee Jarod / Dance Jukebox / GiveAways / Open Stage 8:30 Adjourn 'See You Next Month'
Go Vegan $5 Special Potluck Event, Gables 8.31.19
Coral Gables Congregational Church - Fellowship Hall 3010 De Soto Blvd, Coral Gables, FL"Go-Veganville VeganMan Birthday Potluck Partee $5 Fundraiser 8.31.19" at monthly portal to compassion, health science, sustainability, camaraderie over delicious, nutritious plant-based food.
Movie Screening ‘A Prayer For Compassion’ 9.18.19 Boynton Beach
Congregation L'Dor Va'Dor 9804 South Military Trail, Boynton Beach, FL, United StatesThis film examines how every religion teaches compassion, and why that logically and spiritually means following a plant-based diet, a diet that incorporates nonviolence and kindness, and allows us to survive and thrive without causing unnecessary suffering, violence and death!
Go Vegan Movie A Prayer for Compassion- Two Early Dinner Options 9-20-19 gables
Coral Gables Congregational Church - Fellowship Hall 3010 De Soto Blvd, Coral Gables, FLDinner-Movie A Prayer For Compassion documentary film examines how every religion teaches compassion, and why that logically and spiritually means following a plant-based diet, a diet that incorporates nonviolence and kindness, and allows us to survive and thrive without causing unnecessary suffering, violence and death! Runtime 96 minutes with 2 Dinner Options At Go Vegan, Coral Gables