The Haiti Agriculture Initiative That Will Make A Difference in 2022

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Haiti's Agricultural Restoration Project

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Project Summary for Agriculture Restoration in Haiti

Our agriculture revitalization and restoration project is in full motion and we have some exciting information to share with you. We have acquired enough seeds to grow food to sustain at least 25,000 people in Haiti. Our packaged seeds contain 25 different veggies. Our target date is mid-July 2022 to get our project up and running therefore we have a number of mission-critical goals we need to hit in the next 60 days. Here is the shortlist of milestones we need to accomplish within the next several weeks:

  1. Partner with gardening companies and suppliers that are able to donate shovels, gardening gloves, and other gardening and farming supplies and equipment.
  2. Raise funds, through donations, to transport pallets of supplies and materials, from the US to Haiti,  to support the project.
  3. Raise funds to cover certification of inspection fees as required by federal and state regulations.
  4. Provide guidance and information to the recipients on advanced farming techniques. (Each seed packet comes with detailed instructions and tips to help with planting and reseeding).


Project Highlights

We are ironing out the finer details of this project on a daily basis as we are moving forward quickly, as this opportunity has just come across our radar. This project aligns with our agricultural restoration initiatives for Haiti, therefore we must take immediate action. Here is a list of highlights related to our Cornucopia Food-Nutrition-Seed Deport and Healthy Haiti Club initiative, (we know that's a mouth full, right?):

  • Enough seeds to grow food for ~25,000 people
  • Packaged in "Seed Sets" containing 25 different veggies
  • Ingredients for a healthy vegan diet
  • 800 "Seed Sets" sized to feed ~24  people
  • 100 "Seed Sets" sized to feed ~120 people
  • All open-pollinated or Heirloom (suitable for seed-saving)
  • Packaging with info, instructions, and nutrition in Kreyol & English
  • Shipped in 5-gallon buckets containing ~9kg (20lbs) of seeds
  • Buckets can be shipped palletized or unpacked and moved individually.
  • Total weight 600lbs or more
  • 1,000+ volunteer man-hours required to assemble Seed Sets

Provider/Donors Thus Far with this project

Thank you, Urban Paradise Guild, Inc. and President Sam Van Leer for investing thousands of man-hours to collect, curate and package an optimum mix of seeds. As Miami’s first climate-active organization, founded in 2008, your projects include Organic Stewardship, Nursery, Habitat Planting in Natural Areas, and Organic Gardening for low-income residents in Liberty City and Little Haiti. With 7 locations around South Florida and multiple volunteer opportunities every week you are truly 'Creating Sustainable Paradise, one Habitat at a time."


Photograph provided courtesy of FOHO - Future of Haiti Organization.

Our first recipient group is the Grodysh Int’l Inc. - the Future of Haiti.  We are proud to partner with this organization to begin our mission as we get to directly nurture the youth of Haiti.  This organization  (the Future of Haiti) truly believes in and supports the prosperity of Haiti.  They focus on empowerment, self-sustainability, rigorous academics, creativity, and entrepreneurship for the children and youth in Haiti.  This organization embodies homegrown excellence and provides a positive outlook for the children their organization support.

Learn More

We will continue to support the organizations and families that are active participants in our programs and engage with our campus community in Petit Goave and Cap-Haitien.

Here is a snapshot of your donation allocation plan:

Fundraising Plan and Donation Allocation Overview for Seeds for Haiti

Fundraising and donation allocation plan for Help Haiti NGO Seeds for Haiti Initiative
Fundraising ItemsAmount to RaiseFunds Distribution
Seeds from Urban Paradise$0.000.00%
Shipping Cost$3,500.0053.03%
Volunteer - Onground Distribution Team$1,800.0027.27%
Outreach- Communications$600.009.09%
Operational Support$700.0010.61%
Desired Average Donation$25.00
Number of Donors - Needed264
Total funds$6,600.00

How can you Help Haiti?

As always your donations go directly toward helping us Help Haiti, so anything you can give is much appreciated. You can also help us find willing gardening companies in the US that can donate gardening supplies. We will work out the logistics, we need your support and identifying verified volunteers and donors for this initiative.

Take action today to Help Haiti
Any amount you can donate will make a huge difference. We rely heavily on the generosity of the international community. We can't do this without your help. Five years may seem like a long time from now but we are raising funds, providing immediate support and developing a pool of professionals and volunteers that will be instrumental in sustaining this mission way beyond your initial gift. Help Us Help Haiti.