Global Warming – How Bad?

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Prof. R. Schwartz encapsulates EarthSave’s basis for promoting our green-sustainable HealthyVeganLifestyle which effectively ‘Saves the planet one bite at a time’:

“…by 2020, ⅔ of the world’s wild animals (vertebrates specifically) will be gone. 347 Native Bee Species, upon which key aspects of our food chain rely, were recently officially declared at risk of extinction. The Arctic ecosystem is being hit by a slow-motion bomb right now, as ice melts, glaciers crack, polar bears and penguins are stranded, and the Arctic Ocean acidifies. Speaking of ocean acidification, a leading environmental news organization just warned us that “oceans are about to turn into a frothing cauldron of death,” adding that “climate change will disrupt more than half of the world’s ocean habitat in the next 15 years, and 86 percent by 2050.” Ocean de-oxygenation may be widespread in as few as fifteen years. I could go on. And on.

Scientists warn that a failure to take these blatant, glaring warning signs from the earth ecology into account will result in the short term in extreme weather, economic disruption, loss of biodiversity and increased injury to the poorest and most vulnerable communities on earth. In the not-that-much-longer term, we may lose our coastal cities (like New York) and suffer from increases in war, terrorism, and disease. Famine on catastrophic and barely imaginable scales, caused by the loss of ocean life, food pollinating bees, water shortages and crop failure, is likely. To put it simply, we need to learn a lesson from the #NODAPL protesters and start thinking about the next seven generations, or even the next two.

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