Environmentalists should be vegetarian

Posted on Posted in Activism d'Veg

Reading Time: < 1 minute Is it true that climate change and global warming are out of our hands, that.. all us little people can only recycle more, cycle or walk instead of drive, maybe start petitions, and hope that major corporations and governments have it all under control and have prioritized the health of the planetary ecosystem above economic self serving growth arguments? Also that pigs might fly…

Are you 1 in 2,000 Americans?

Posted on Posted in HomeSave

Reading Time: < 1 minute ONLY 1 out of 2,000 Americans reduce their risk of heart disease by maintaining all of American Heart Association’s “Simple Seven” health behaviors/factors: 1-not smoking 2-not overweight 3-walk at least 22 minutes a day 4-eat a few fruits and veggies 5-below average cholesterol… 6-normal blood pressure 7-normal blood sugars.