vAdvisers and vAngels Board Oversees vMission123


Ethical and Evidence-based vMission123 is deployed by agencies Save The Earth Ecocenter, Inc. and EarthSaviors of VeganVille
via domains,,,,, and
Help-Haiti Mission123 shall #SaveHaiti via Help-Haiti $100M Masterplan and $2.5B SEDA Grand South Design 2030.

I hope and pray that Q1 2024 marks the lowest point for 28 years of Vegtastic Philanthropy and Global vMission123,
implying a Great Turnaround has has finally begun.

~Jeff ‘VeganMan Tucker’ Chairman

vAdvisers and vAngels Board oversee vMission123

vAdvisers offer experience and expertise
vAngels provide financial/in-kind support
(vAdvisers may be a vAngel)

vAdvisers: Lamoy Andressohn | Arlen Baden | Charles Baron | Noel Cleland | Mark Coutts | Betty Delman | Kenneth Durrum | Stuart Edelman | Mark Epstein  | Catherine & Steven Garrett | Douglas Graham | Shri Gupta | Caryn Hartglass | Roger Horne | Lawrence Huff | Jarod Jacobs | Claude Reginald ‘Papi Reggie’ Jean | Herman LeVern Jones | Ritho Jean Louis Sr. | Brook Katz | Ralph Latortue | Lewis Levey | John Lewis  | Howard Lyman | Valery Mamonov | Karen Ranzi | Kathleen Romaine | Maria ‘Mariposa’ Ruiz | Sean Russell | Richard Schwartz | Luis & Giselle Segura | Ellen Siegel | Barry Silver | Sheldon ‘Smitty’ Smith, Jr. | Johanna Sophia | Diane Sugimoto | Andrew Susman | Brendan & Laura Sutton | Jerry Turner | Will Tuttle | Lisa Villacci | Todd Winant | You?

vAngels: Hakin Alexander | Philip Balbi | Neal Barnard | Linda Blissberger | Bill Burdette | Wanel Cesar | Brian Clement | Estela Delgado | Carlos Delgado, Jr. | Jeffrey & Joyce DiBenedetto-Colton | Anne & Freya Dinshah | Loring Frank | Sura Gallo | Gold Heart Help-Haiti Angels | Michael Greger | Susan Hargreaves | Barry Hechtman | Ernson Henry | Phoenix Isis | Takatoshi Kamijo | Brenton Kelley | Michael Klaper | Jean Leandre | Raisa Lockhart | Amy Lomaskin | Andrea Loring | Mike Morales | Paul Murray | Jeff Nelson | Ron Palamara | Willaine Paulo | Diane Pearl | Phil Pellissier | John Robbins | Ocean Robbins | Jeanette Roberts | Kathy Romaine | Jose Sanchez | Marie Sanders | Valerie Silidker | Betty Spector | Rose Spector | Mel Tenen | Kathy Tesserot | Nataly Umoja | Jeanette Verster | Martyn Verster | Saul Wiesenthal | You?

vAngels and vAdvisers Serve ‘My Way’

100% Voluntary service
No legal liabilities associated with corporate directorship
No prescribed duties or obligatory service
I participate at my sole discretion
VIP access to vAgencies, vAssets, vLicenses, vProjects

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Board-supervised Entities

Ambassador Kids Cooperative | EarthSave POD | Enstiti Edikasyon | Friends of Vegtastic Art | Haiti Natural Hospital | Healthy Haiti Club by EarthSave and
PCRM | Help-Haiti NGO | Help-Haiti Cooperative Chamber of Commerce | Natural Health Institute | R-Solution Network | Sisterhood Mujer Mariposa |
Haiti Insurance and Investment Bank & Trust | Vegan Justice Committee | VeganVille.TV | VegSave Rescue Services | Vegtastic Philanthropy Circle |
vStore-vClassifieds | Yoga & Mindfulness Outreach | et. al.

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History of Vegtastic Philanthropy/Mission123

1964: Tucker Family N-L-T-H Code (NA-ture LI-fe T-ruth H-ealth) formulated in Nalith Education, Inc.
1968: Jeff founds The Peace Trust with Noel Tepper, Esq.
1985: NALITH, Inc. seeded by Jacob Tucker Trust funds America’s vegan movement
1993: Jeff joins NALITH Board of Directors
Broker for $500M Haiti Schools Initiative by anonymous Texas billionaire
1996: EarthSave Miami, Ft. Lauderdale and NW Florida Chapters founded at EarthSave International Summit
2007: Save The Earth Ecocenter opens in North Miami, Gladys Brigham- Sponsor
a/k/a House of Wisdom joint venture with Vrindavan Church, Swami Paramadvaiti
Broker Resource Corp. appointed as Consultant to NALITH
2008: Jeff appointed Chairman of EarthSave Miami Chapter
Jeff co-authors Paradise Haven Design Document with Phoenix Isis
2009: Vegtastic Philanthropy Circle incubator starts VegSave Rescue Services, Vegan Justice Committee, vAgencies, vLicenses, vServices, vProjects et. al.
2014: Jeff sponsors and co-produces I Have A Dream with TheatreSouth; MLK vLegacy founded
2014:  STEEI reorganized as a sister organization to EarthSave International Miami Chapter.  Executive Director Tucker filed IRS 501c3 and registered Florida Solicitor CH-47114 with founding Directors:  Noel Cleland, Linda Bower and Dr. Henry Popkin (later Mark Coutts, Stu Edelman and Estela Delgado.)
2014-2018:  Nalith, Inc. Foundation funded Vegtastic Philanthropy Circle expansions: Friends of Vegtastic Art, VegSave Rescue Services, et. al. Launch MLK vLegacy project
2017: Passing of Dr. George Eisman; VAVA terminated as sub-agency of NALITH
2018: Broker Resource Corp.,, Jeff and Save The Earth Ecocenter, Inc. split from NALITH, Inc.
2020: COVID terminates GoVegan Events at Coral Gables Congregational Church and TryVegan Events at Tamarac Community Center
2021: Vegtastic Philanthropy rebranded as EarthSaviors of VeganVille Subscription
Onboard- Yoga and Mindfulness Outreach, July
Onboard- $20M RJL Cooperative Trust d/b/a Help-Haiti Mission123, August; vFund joint venture by Ritho Jean Louis, Sr., Jeff ‘VeganMan’ Tucker, Save The Earth Ecocenter, Inc.,
R-Solution 2004, Inc., S.E.D.A., SA and EarthSaveMiami.Org
2022: $100M Help-Haiti Masterplan published
2023: $2.5B SEDA Grand South Design 2030 published

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Veg Success Tools and Opportunities in VeganVille

1 Antidote to SADville Pandemic | 1+1…=1 PEAS R US Formula | 2+ EarthsaveD vGames | 4H Mission123 | 6 vFunds
6 vDomains | 7E Events | 10+ vAgencies | 12 vGrades | 16+ vBenefits | 20+ vMedia | 26 vAliases | 25 More Years
36 Distinguished vAdvisers | 70+ vServices for Development and Rescue | 80+ vAngels of Vegtastic
Philanthropy Circle | 85+ Beneficial vProjects | 200+ vAssets for vTeam | 500+ Ethical Events | 600 vAmbassadors
1001 vPartners | 10,000+ EarthSaviors Who Care | 21,000+ Subsidized Dinner Plates
50,000 Volunteer Hours + 2.5M Investment in Earth and All Earthlings | 1+ Billion Positive Earth Action Pledges Goal

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. . GiveNOW, Donor365, Monetary-7 and related Fundraisers by Save The Earth Ecocenter, Inc. ("STEEI") - Florida Registered Solicitor # CH47114.  Qualified 501c3 beneficiaries are EarthSave International, Inc. -EarthSave Florida Chapter, R-Solution 2004, Inc., Help-Haiti.Co vFund, their agencies and projects.  STEEI seeks cash, grants, in-kind, investments and low-interest loans or pro bono services from Orange Heart and Green Heart vAngels, Friends of Haiti, Erthies of Vegtastic Philanthropy Circle or compassionate, conscientious world-citizens since 1996.  Goto SSL-secured donor sites> or See public records for historical funding by Jacob Tucker Trust and NALITH, Inc.   Contact: Jeff 'VeganMan' Tucker  305.607.9721 | A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE 1-800-435-7352 WITHIN THE STATE, 850-410-3800 OUTSIDE THE STATE, OR ONLINE @ WWW.800HELPFLA.COM. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE.

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