V-Story: Me, My & Yo by VeganMan

Poems for Earthlings from EarthSaveD  ~VeggiVerse Poet

Once upon a time this child fell asleep to stories, faithfully decoded by Mommy or manufactured by Daddy.  Now I tell stories as VegPoet, VeganMan, Vegetarily Yours, Wiser Adviser, Chef Jef, VegEditor, VegJew, Professor Veghead *VhD…  Here’s my little secret – most of my stories are true tho perhaps stranger than fiction, a work in progress since 1968.  My problem? still finding my voice de plume! ~VeganMan (*fictitious Veganology degree)

Vegtastick characters from Veganville are multi-media bound: Cinema, Cartoon, Comic Strip, Childrens’ Book, Theatre…
~Copyright, VeganMan Enterprises, Inc.

My new PEAs In POD Blog> veganville.tv/peas-in-peace-out

Mission Impossible?  When they gave out brains I thought they said trains, so I took the loco. Why else would I be here at age 70, devoted to a mission impossible i.e. Earth-Saving? Wise Ones say “a single candle can disperse the darkness in a mighty cathedral.” Since I’m neither unloveable nor arrogant someone should have shoved the mirror of common sense in my face, backlit by a few watts from the Energizer Bunny. Maybe I’d be mindlessly chillin’ in peace and prosperity instead of toiling away on our Heavenly Mission123? ~VeganMan

30 Sec Promo Vegfest 2016 Argentina

Random Excerpt   …whatever else Harold was to me, his first-born and business apprentice, he exemplified the Perfect General disguised as a civilian dad.  I saw his well-cloaked chestful of medals, Eisenhower khakis, gold epaulettes, massive scars.  Ironically  my feet were planted on the Path of Yoga and philanthropy while he marshaled our resources and campaigned mightily for ‘Tucker Family vs. Chaos.’
Stardate 10.6.19

Blog 8/10.49  As I slam into the Big 70 milestone on August 10, 2019 this birthday coincides with Tisha B’Av 5779 – saddest date on Judaism’s 3,500 year calendar, marking tragedies and debacles including:  destruction of Solomon’s Temple, destruction of the Second Temple, Spanish Inquisition, etc. ad nauseum…  Yet my mentor Professor-emeritus Richard Schwartz states that Jewish-Vegan Values hold a key to preserving our precious planet.  Thus I celebrate my 70’s decade for the veganism I intend to promote with other key holders.  Are you among them?

Other formats:  Aliased Post, Poem, Joke, Article, Op-Ed, Letter to Editor, From the Chair, Meme, …  see organized hodge podge, below

Sample works, Gallery (lots more Content below, Dear Reader)

VStory Reader: this page is produced by VeganMan Enterprises, Inc. | Copyrights by Jeffrey M. Tucker, Miami, FL