Subscribe for Veg Success Tools and Opportunities in VeganVille NPO
EarthSaviors of VeganVille kickoff 25 More Years to Make a Huge Difference in Millenium3
We have the ways and means to address the pernicious SADville Pandemic which began 10,000 years ago with animal agriculture and reached epidemic proportions with the modern SAD (Standard American Diet.) PEAS R US is the evidence-based Antidote being deployed by VeganVille NPO to assure a sustainable, green and thriving future for Earth and All Earthlings. Case in point, Help-Haiti Natural Hospital, Humanitarian Initiatives and 944-acre Cooperative Campus. Join Earthsaviors and Help-Haiti Ambassadors us in VeganVille, 2022!
A Menu of Resources in VeganVille NPO to Heal and Transform the World
1 Veg Antidote to SADville Pandemic | 1+1...=1 PEAS R US | 2+ EarthsaveD vGames | 4H Mission123 | 6 vFunds | 10+ vAgencies | 12 vGrades | 16+ vBenefits | 20+ vMedia | 25 vAliases | 25 More Years | 35 Distinguished vAdvisers | 70+ vServices for Development and Rescue | 80+ vAngels in Vegtastic Philanthropy Circle | 90+ Beneficial vProjects | 200+ vAssets for vTeam | 500+ 7E vEvents | 600+ VeganVille Ambassadors | 1001 vPartners | 10,000+ EarthSaviors Who Care | 21,000+ Subsidized Dinners | 50,000+ Volunteer Hours + $2.5M Invested in Earth and Earthlings | 1 Million iCare Pledges | 1+ Billion Positive Earth Actions (PEAS)
Why Subscribe? For 16 Great Reasons
- Play or Develop vGames: Virtual or Reality
- I'm already a vAngel Donor or vTeam Volunteer
- Navigate in My Mission123, locally or globally
- Get tools and opportunities to raise the Public Vegan Quotient (PVC)
- Edit or Publish in vPedia, VeganVille's Global Library
- My compassionate-sustainable-healthy practices are welcome here
- Improve health, habits and awareness in my household and community
- Access 200+ vAssets for personal-business-organizational success
- My gifts or talents match VeganVille.TV or vMedia
- In-person or online vEvents, staff or guest
- I'm a Heavenly Eater with a growing appetite for recipes, tips and hacks
- Improve my biometrics (cholesterol, RHR, blood pressure, toxic load...)
- Affordable vBenefits offer outstanding value
- The iCare Pledge: I pledge my Positive Earth Actions to Earth and All Earthlings
- Manage vAgencies and vFunds: EarthSaviors Rescue | Help-Haiti NGO | Sisterhood Mujer Mariposa Ukupacha Earth Literacy | VeganVille Development | Yoga and Mindfulness Outreach
- VeganVille welcomes eco-wise, compassionate and health-conscious citizens: Activist, Altruist, Animal lover, Blogger-Vlogger, Cold-turkey Carnivore, Conscious Dreamer, Earthling, 80-10-10'er, Environmentalist, Futurist, Health Scientist, Heavenly Eater, Humanitarian, Lobbyist, Lightworker, Live-Raw Foodist, Nutritarian, Openminded Omnivore, PlantPure PODhead, Philanthropist, Reducitarian, Regenerator, SEEDS Citizen, Tree hugger, Bucky Fuller Trimtabber, Veg*n, Veg-curious, Vegtastic Artist, Vegucator... who care about Earth and Earthlings
I am an EarthSavior in VeganVille NPO, vested healer-guardian-exemplar-champion-fiduciary!
I serve our amazing Earth and all precious Earthlings:
- I Produce 7E Events (Ethical-Eat-Educate-Entertain-Experience-Empower-Evolve)
- I Practice Humane-Holistic-Hygienic-Heavenly (4H) Lifestyle, Arts and Sciences
- I Promote the ANTIDOTE to our Terra-ble, raging SADville Pandemic
- I Live, Work, Learn, Play and Demonstrate in VeganVille to raise the public Vegan Quotient
I am an EarthSavior in VeganVille NPO, how about you?
EarthSaviors are vested healers-guardians-exemplars-champions-fiduciaries, invested in our amazing Earth and All Precious Earthlings:
- I Produce 7E Events (Ethical-Eat-Educate-Entertain-Experience-Empower-Evolve)
- I Practice Humane-Holistic-Hygienic-Heavenly (4H) Lifestyle, Arts and Sciences
- I Promote the ANTIDOTE to our Terra-ble, raging SADville Pandemic
- I Live, Work, Learn, Play and Demonstrate in VeganVille to raise the public Vegan Quotient
Join VeganVille NPO Global Hub!
SINCE 1996: VeganVille evolved from 2 EarthSave Chapters in SE Florida into a portal between Earth and EarthsaveD. VeganVille Universal NPO, delivers advocacy, education and inspiration under Mission123. Funded by Vegtastic Philanthropy Circle, our EarthSaviors promote PEAS R US - Antidote to the raging SADville Pandemic. VISION: transform SADville into VeganVille. GOAL: 1+ billion Positive Earth Actions (PEAS) for Earth and All Earthlings. INVESTMENT: 50,000+ volunteer hours plus $2.5 million dollars (cash and in-kind contributions.) 25 MORE YEARS: Mission123 is too important to fail, with your help we will succeed!
Get Your vBenefits
- Claim My Player Token or Developer Badge for EarthsaveD 5D vGames
- Operate My Mission Possible Manual
- Operate My Heavenly Life Navigator
- Optimize my Heavenly Eating: 1. Download Free Heavenly Eating eBook ($7 value) 2. Download Free Heavenly vBible Food Guide ($7 value) 3. Get unlimited recipes, tips and foodie hacks in private FB Club
- Eligible for citizenship in SEEDS Regenerative Crypto Ecosystem
- Claim my Administrator or Broker Badge for vLicenses
- VIP Seat Tokens for VeganVille Live TV Shows
- List my Business-Organization-Person-Project in vDirectory
- Free or subsidized vTeam software (Workspace, Microsoft365...)
- My vDashboard 24/7 controls VeganVille live-work-play
- Publish or Edit in vPedia: VeganVille Virtual Library
- VIP deals and discounts on vCommerce Exchange
- VeganVille Passport and Deed to EarthSaveD
- Eligible for Jobs, Tokens and Badges
- Produce my vBlog, vLog or TV Show on VeganVille.TV/vMedia
- email address (optional-vTeam)
- Financial Assistance for Subscription (vTeam) - Apply Here
- First 100 Subscribers get Honorary Founder Badge
- 60-Day Money Back Guarantee
Affordable Subscription Types
Subscriptions are Tax-Deductible
$30 | Personal
per year (1x payment)
vTeam eligible for financial assistance Coupon - Apply Here
$40 | Couple/Family
per year (1x payment)
vTeam eligible for financial assistance Coupon - Apply Here
$100 | Patron (Individual/Org/Corp)
per year (1x payment)
$1000 | Lifetime (Any Type)
(1x payment)
Affordable Subscriptions
Subscriptions are Tax-Deductible
$30 | Personal
per year (1x payment)
(vTeam eligible for financial assistance - send request to VeganMan)
$40 | Couple/Family
per year (1x payment)
$100 | Patron
per year (1x payment)
$1000 | Any Category-Lifetime
(1x payment)