PRESS RELEASE We Are The World for Haiti Now Revival and Somos El Mundo in 2025

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Update 1.9.25

HAITI NOW REVIVAL (‘HB25’) remake of #WeAreTheWorld and Somos El Mundo

~a humanitarian and patriotic project of Help-Haiti Mission123 Masterplan

In 2010 the supergroup #WeAreTheWorld Artists for Haiti (almost) rocked its $13 Billion disaster relief program.
But Haiti’s relief program became the next disaster.
In 2025 a new supergroup can finish the job the second time around!

In 1985 LIVE AID FOR AFRICA #TheGreatestNightInPop raised the bar for noble, collaborative fund-raising.  In 2010 WE ARE THE WORLD 25 FOR HAITI committed unconditional love and star power to “help Haiti rise from the rubble,” but international agencies in 2010 delivered a massive scandal instead.

Now, more than ever, TeamHAITI needs you following a presidential assassination, two devastating 7-mag earthquakes, weather disasters, food insecurity, social chaos and widespread violence.  Please reach out to your fellow Artists, new cast candidates, Lionel and Wyclef, about our noble preparations and Help Us Help Haiti to execute its greatest MasterPlan ever!

Timeless Lyrics by Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson

Send them your heart so they know that someone cares.

So their cries for help will not be in vain.

We can’t let them suffer no we cannot turn away, right now they need a helping hand.

Change can only come when we stand together as one.



Lionel Richie and Wyclef Jean are invited to lead


Project Leader Invitees: Lionel Richie and Wyclef Jean





Producer Paul Hoyle, Latin Grammy Winner


Film and Broadcast Director Astre Luxandre, Island.TV/VeganVille.TV




Artistic Director Herman LeVern Jones, TheatreSouth.Net




2010 Artists, Please Return

Bring your passion and compassion for Haiti Now Revival.
Remake #WeAreTheWorld and Somos El Mundo in 2025.
Together as One the Second Time Around!

Help-Haiti NGO

RJL Trust curates $20M of hhAssets to Help The People, Heal The Land via MasterPlan.
TeamHAITI: service providers, advocates, welfare agents, socially-responsible planners, educators, patriots, Samaritans, caring Friends of Haiti
We R The Solution: since 2004 OSHA job training, Public Service Modules, Sister City Mayor Conferences in Homestead, FL and Miami-Dade County, FL
Humanitarian initiatives: Public-Private Partnership SEDA Grand South Design 2030
1,000 Points of Light infrastructure modernization
Ambassador Kids Cooperative (orphans, students, all youth)
‘Clean and Green Haiti’ SEDA-1,2,3 Conferences
300 Grand South Mayors Delegation
Help-Haiti Cooperative Chamber of Commerce
Haiti Natural Hospital and Natural Health Institute
Haiti Cultural Hub at Bainbridge, GA, et. al.

Meet Your Hosts and Principals

Ritho Jean Louis, Sr. and Jeff ‘VeganMan’ Tucker are committed to “help Haiti rise from the rubble and rebuild sustainably” with $20M RJL Trust and hhAssets, three Help-Haiti vFunds, Help-Haiti vFund-PLUS, TeamHAITI, The Grand South Mayors Delegation, Help-Haiti Mission123 MasterPlan, SEDA Grand South Design 2030, and our fulltime, hands-on volunteerism.  We are self-funded since 8.11.21.
About video>

On behalf of my countrymen, I invite #WeAreTheWorld Artists to #ReviveHaitiNow following a presidential assassination, two 7-magnitude earthquakes since 2010, weather disasters, food insecurity and widespread gang violence.  Like the Poor Philanthropists, Exemplars and Champions of TeamHAITI, I am committed to Help The People – Heal The Land.
~Ritho Jean Louis, Sr., RJL Trust benefactor, Pres. R Solution 2004, Inc.,

Haiti has been out of favor since 1804 with many global powers.  The poorest nation in our hemisphere has the lowest quality of life and longevity.
Ritho and I teamed up on 8.11.21 to seek justice for domestic and diaspora
Haitians including a green economy, food security and universal education.
~Jeff ‘VeganMan’ Tucker, Chief Trustee, Chairman NGO, NPO



USA: 1127 E SHOTWELL ST, BAINBRIDGE, GA 39819 | 12973 SW 112 ST. #267 MIAMI, FL 33186

*Exemplars and Champions:

Exemplars: Dr. George Eisman | Buckminster Fuller | Howard Lyman | Dr. Flora Van Orden III | John Robbins | Prof. Richard Schwartz | Estela WindWalker, and NALITH Philanthropy Code Founders
Champions: Arlen Baden |
Kenneth Durrum | Stuart Edelman | Lawrence ‘El Profe’ Huff | Claude Reginald ‘Pappy Reggy’ Jean | Herman LeVern Jones | Ritho Jean Louis, Sr. | Brendan & Laura Sutton | Jerry Turner, et. al.

GiveNOW, Donor365, Monetary-7 and related Fundraisers managed by Florida Registered Solicitor # CH47114 - Save The Earth Ecocenter, Inc. ("STEEI.")  Qualified 501c3 beneficiaries are vFunds of of Vegtastic 501c3 Philanthropy Circle, their agencies and projects.  STEEI seeks Mission123-aligned cash donations, grants, in-kind contributions, investments, sponsorships, legacy donations, partnerships, low-interest loans, pro bono services from Gold Heart and Green Heart vAngels, teamHAITI, Help-Haiti Cooperative Members, and other compassionate , conscientious world-citizens.  Goto SSL-secured donor sites>Vegtastic Philanthropy Circle vFunds or Help-Haiti vFund Plus. Contact Poor Philanthropist Jeff 'VeganMan' Tucker   305.607.9721 (Tel/SMS) | (Email) A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE 1-800-435-7352 WITHIN THE STATE, 850-410-3800 OUTSIDE THE STATE, OR ONLINE @ WWW.800HELPFLA.COM. REGISTRATION DOES NOT IMPLY ENDORSEMENT, APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION BY THE STATE.
